Monday, January 7, 2013

Moving up in the world

Last night my son and I adventured into the world of big boy beds after 3 years of co-sleeping. 
I am so proud of him I feel like I have to tell the world his story.

You see Ry was born at 10lbs 1 oz with severe acid reflux. 

He would go un-diagnosed for months with this problem among others. I must have taken him to hundreds of pediatric appointments trying to tell them something was wrong with my precious new baby. I even self diagnosed him a month and a half before an official diagnosis was made. After he was finally diagnosed with reflux he started having other problems. He would stop breathing and turn blue while sleeping, he would be in his car seat and turn bright red and start screaming at the top of his lungs. And to top it all off he started having seizure like activity while he was sleeping. I did what any scared momma would do, I took him to the hospital, doctors, and googled. 

While in Florida on a vacation to visit my mom he did the car seat scream. We immediately took him to a great hospital where my mom worked and knew all the pediatric doctors on staff. That was when he was diagnosed with what I had been telling the doctors he had all along. Not only did my precious new baby have reflux, he had severe reflux that was causing Sandifers Syndrome, a form of seizures. He was also diagnosed with myoclonic astatic sleep seizure disorder, and given stronger reflux medicine to get it all under control. 

Fast forward through tubes in the ears and adenoids being taken out, followed by tonsils being taken out 7 months after that and we have now arrived at big boy land.

(tonsilectomy March 2012)

He is no longer on reflux medicine, has steadily outgrew all of his problems, and mommy can finally feel comfortable with him in his own bed. 

We put together his big boy bed yesterday together and picked out sheets. He was very excited until it came to bed time. Once the tv was turned off he was not a happy camper but eventually fell asleep on his own and slept there until 5 am! 

He even did his "scited" face!


It wasn't easy getting here but I can say that our life has just gotten quite a bit easier. 


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