Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pinterest for Your Etsy Business

I am a self proclaimed Pinterest addict.

So when while browsing Facebook, I ran across a post mentioning Pinterest for business I was immediately intrigued. My first thought was that I had just found paradise. My second was, I need to know more. 

I am betting you want to know more too huh? 

In the past Pinterest has had a rule about pinning your own items. I am not 100% sure that it is still the same way but I tended to avoid pinning my own business items. First of all I did not want that to be something that people saw all the time from me. And secondly I knew that I would get in trouble with the powers that be. I avoid trouble at all costs! 

Pinterest  for business seems to help with that little problem among others! I am excited to tell you about some of the features. 

It is relatively simple to convert from a personal account to a business account. At first I considered having a separate account, but I am already linked and verified using the Lane34 blog, and really who has the time to keep up with two pinterest accounts? Pinterest  is a major time suck as it is (and I say that with affection). 

Simply go to and click "Convert your existing account". 

Choose your business type (which can be changed later) and fill out all other pertinent information.

Agree and click convert account. Ta-da! Painless.

Now you get to the fun part. You can add a Pin it button, just like before, to your website, a follow me button, and even verify your website, just by adding a quick tidbit of html to your blog/website so that people know you really are you! 

You can even add a little widget that allows people to see your latest pins! I added one to our side bar over there -------> 

One of the things that interested me the most is making a board for specials. More often than not business's run weekly specials on certain items. A great way to advertise and get it out there is to make a pinterest board and have it pinned over and over again. Therefore reaching a whole new clientele you might not have reached otherwise. 

Descriptions, descriptions! While it is super quick when your pinning not to write anything at all and to just get that pin out there, I like to write what I think of the pin. When I used to sew I would pin all kinds of sewing patterns or neat items I have seen somewhere and in the pin description I would outline what I would change what the pin was etc... You get found on search engines this way! So while "Cute dress" is good for now, "Adorable dress with inner lining and pink butterflies by so and so seamstress. Would make a great spring dress for such and such" will get more hits. 

Other useful ways to use pinterest:

Giveaways - Pin it to win it


Showing off what inspires you as an artist or as a brand.

Keep up to date on trends, and what is being re-pinned from you store. 

I upgraded to a business page today! Will you upgrade? What do you use pinterest for? 

More next week on how to find out what is being re-pinned from your website or Pinterest  account!


( I am in no way affiliated with pinterest other than I am an avid pinner... The information above is my interpretation of the new pinterest for business function )


  1. Totally just did this. I didn't even know pinning your own stuff was a no-no, so thanks for that info. I'm just starting out. Enjoying all your blog posts (I've read two so far that really helped...and your site is cute too).
    Elaine at
